St.C Kids

We want our children & families to encounter Jesus, to explore the Christian faith and enjoy being part of the church family.


Every Sunday, our St.C Kids programme runs from 10am until 11.30am.


Explorers is a chance to explore who Jesus is, what the bible says and how we can practically live our lives as followers of Him!

Each week is different, but we always have loads of fun whilst we encounter God and explore faith together. We follow a theme throughout each term, and our mornings usually involve some games, craft, quizzes and the occasional dance off!

The children join the grown-ups in the main Church building for the end of the service before heading back over to the hall for a drink and a biscuit.

Families are encouraged and very welcome to join the adults for the main service whilst their children are in Explorers. Children will need to be collected at 11.30am promptly, but everyone is welcome to stay for a drink afterwards to get to know each other.

 Meet the St.C Kids Team


Clare Morgan

St.C Kids Co-ordinator


Sonia Brown

St.C Kids Leader


Sue Looker

St.C Kids Leader

Karina Fletcher

St.C Kids Leader

Join the team

Do you have a passion for seeing kids encounter Jesus?
There's a whole range of opportunities for you to get involved & we would love to hear from you!


Team Nights.


The whole team meets once a term to share a meal, to give thanks for what we’ve done during the term and to pray for our children and their families.

Throughout the year we host some awesome kids events and services. We would love you to get involved with these too. We'll email you closer to the time to see how you can join in the fun.


Special events and services.


For more information about upcoming events, visit the Events page.